Torch height control

THC – torch height controller – is device, that enables the most precise cuts on CNC plasma cutter with automatic torch height control. The main feature is that it enables automatic adjustment between torch and material and that compensates the curvature in material. That way the cutter is always the same distance from the material and cuts are clean and precise. It does that by measuring and monitoring arc voltage and by compensting it ensures your torch or cutting head doesn’t get too close or far from the workpiece.

THC – torch height control solves the problem of warped metal sheets. Warped sheets cause the distance, between the part and the torch to vary which leads to uneven and ugly cuts if we cut it without THC. THC with CNC Plasma floating head enables to adjust and maintain the distance between the workpiece and the torch so the cuts are precise and crisp.

We offer PlasmaSensOut that has digital output signals for up, down and ok. PlasmaSens with PlasmaSensInterface enables the PoKeys device to directly read the real time height of the torch and adjust the height in the software with torch height control. PlasmaDiv on the other hand is the newest product that has state of the art filtering and enables direct connection to the plasma arc voltage and has isolated output that can be fed directly into PoKeys for reading 0-10 V torch height. It also incorporates the relay for plasma on/off command.

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