Line Filter Single-phase 20A

18,90  excl. VAT & Shipping

Line filter (EMC filter) for mains power supply for your electrical cabinet to prevent and minimize the EMI and RMI interference.

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SKU: LineFilterSP20A Category:


Single-phase line filter for your electronics cabinet

Line or EMC filter is electronics device, that is intended to eliminate electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio-frequency interference (RFI). It is usually placed on the input mains power supply line into the electronics cabinet. It could also be used on individual components that emit a lot of noise (frequency drives, servo drivers etc.). Simply said, line filter “cleans up” electricity before it enters your device.

There are two versions, one has Y-capacitors at the output and one doesn’t. The Y-cap version has better filtering but higher leakage currents towards ground. Other one has just the opposite – lower leakage currents but worse filtering.

Why is such filter necessary?

  • Noise reduction – blocking high-frequency EMI & RMI interference
  • Protection from power surges – protects the electronics from transient events on grid
  • Improved reliability – reducing noise imrpoves reliability and increase lifespan of electronics
  • Compliance with regulation – helps to meet EMC standards to not interfere with other equipment



Additional information

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm

with Y-capacitors, low leakage


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