High speed USB isolator is the answer when you are regularly experiencing ground loop problems or you are debugging mains connected circuit.
PoUSBiso480 is a compact and reliable high speed USB isolator. Although, we nowadays take USB communication for granted, users can be experiencing problems in noisy environments or using devices with their own mains power supply. Ground loops are probably the most frequent cause of problems with USB communication reliability.
Such situations can result in nightmares for the developers, since random errors and/or disturbed USB data flow can occur at any time. Not only that diagnosing such problems is hard and troublesome, it seldom results in reliable solution. Even experienced developers can encounter problems when working on devices connected to the mains power supply (e.g. power converters and power supplies, control equipment etc.). In such cases, developers must connect the programmer or debugger directly to the target system microcontroller. Errors in these environments are unforigiving and equipment can easily go up in smoke and flames.
We have noticed a lot of reports of destroyed USB ports on laptops and also destroyed debuggers, oscilloscope inputs etc. that resulted from ground loop problems with non-insulated mains power supplies. Do you want to easily solve such issues? Do you need to isolate your control, measurement or programming device from your PC with a universal solution?
PoUSBiso480 USB isolator makes most of the described problems dissapear in an affordable way. Furthermore, it protects valuable development PCs, improves productivity and lowers equipment expenses.
PoUSBiso480 can isolate almost every USB high speed (480 Mbps) device from the host.
Most PoLabs products e.g. PoKeys57U, PoKeys57CNC, PoScopeMega1 and also PoScopeMega50 USB oscilloscope are fluently working. It was also tested isolating many USB-based motion control devices for CNC, most USB high-speed microcontroller programers/debugers for ARM, Atmel, PIC, SiLabs etc. and many other PC USB devices like Arduino, etc.
PoUSBiso480 operates independently and doesn’t require any drivers. The installation is simple – just insert it between the PC and your Plug&Play USB device. PoUSBisoH USB isolator is compatible with all existing operating systems. PoLabs conducted tests with Windows, Linux, OS X, Android and it should work with others also.
- 3750 V isolation between host and device
- 480 Mbps speed
- Maximum 400 mA with isolated internal power
- Power supply from the host
- True hardware solution without any drivers
- Compact size: 53mm (66mm with connector) x 24mm x 14mm